Technology Overview

ITEC 3870 Software Development II,
Anca Doloc-Mihu and Cengiz Günay

(License: CC BY-SA 4.0)

Prev - Re-introduction to Software Engineering, Next - Agile Development

Major players; require Node.js on the server

  1. Angular (Typescript) - a full framework, supported by Google
  2. React (JSX) - only a library. Invented by Facebook, but open source now
  3. Vue.JS (Javascript) - modeled by original Angular, independent and open source

Non-JS web frameworks

  • Python
    • Django - Very extensive, open-source framework
    • Flask - Minimal, light, open-source framework
  • C#
    • .Net Core - Controlled by Microsoft, but platform independent
  • Ruby on Rails - Open-source Ruby web framework, lost some steam recently
  • PHP (legacy) – but good with new frameworks
    • Laravel - easy, video tutorials
    • Yii - performant, but steep learning curve
  • Java
    • Java Server Faces (JSF) - Legacy
    • Java Spring - similar to .Net, controlled by Oracle

Mobile hybrid frameworks

Hybrid: cross-platform (Android, iOS, …)

  • Flutter (Dart)
  • React Native (JSX, HTML, native)
  • Ionic (Angular/React, HTML) – based on Cordova
  • Xamarin (C#, XML, allows native code)

SQL Databases

  1. No database
  2. SQLite – database in a single file, simplified
  3. MySQL/Oracle/PostGreSQL/MS SQL Server – legacy, centralized, powerful, requires server

NoSQL databases

Simpler, less powerful, cloud options available

  • MongoDB - industry leader
  • Firebase (Google) - easy for mobile apps
  • Cassandra
  • CouchDB - Good for highly distributed systems

Game Dev/Graphical

  • Unity (C#/Javascript)
  • Unreal Engine (C++/Blueprints)
  • Godot (custom, Python-like language)
  • GameMaker (custom language)
  • Processing (Java)
  • JS frameworks (PhaserJS, …)

Online Servers

There are free or low-cost options

  • Heroku - Completely free servers available, but can’t host database for free
  • Netlify/Github Pages - Free hosting of static web content
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) - 12-month free tier
  • Microsoft Azure - free tier
  • Altervista - Free PHP and MySQL server