Intermediate Agile Software Development

Version 0.8.0

Lectures and other resources for teaching and learning about software development

Assgn 4b

Assgn 4b (individual): Role in Markdown in repo

Instructor Instructions:

  • This assignment should be posted on the class platform to allow all students to see each other entries. This will help them work with their teammates..
  • Suggested time: 7-10 days

Posting for Students:

Project Roles:

Just to be clear! Everyone in the team MUST do code implementation in order to pass this class.

In addition to the programmer role, each team member has 2 roles within the team. These are roles you can pick. Later in the semester, you would need to give a presentation on your primary role, or it could include a mix of two roles. If multiple team members are working on the same role, the grade will get divided among them. You must have a primary role to get full points.

  • Code architecture/lead programmer: framework, components, coding style. Doesn’t mean the only programmer! Everyone must program, lead programmer decides on the overall design and coding standards.
  • UI/UX design: User Interface and User eXperience. Make mock UI designs and user-friendly navigation.
  • Data modeler: Database, data files, server-client structure, data structures.
  • Team manager: Sprint planning, and time accounting for the team.
  • Client liaison: Communications, demos, and negotiations with client, what was done and planned to handle client’s requirements (role can be combined with manager)
  • Documentation lead: Setup documentation conventions for code and project, then delegate work onto teammates. Manage presentations, reports, and licensing documentation. Everyone must add documentation!
  • Testing lead: Setup testing framework and conventions. Use continuous integration to test at each commit/push. Everyone must do their own testing!

Note that all roles are mandatory and each person in the team may need more than one role.

Assignment requirements:

  • Each person must pick one or more roles from the list above.
  • Each team must have all of the roles distributed among its members.
  • Access your team repo and edit the file
  • Follow the generic Markdown language help or GIthub Markdown markdown flavors
  • You must use formatting such as heading, bold, italic, and one emoji to improve readability.
  • Format your file to have the following information:
    1. Team/project names
    2. Repo location URL
    3. Progress tracking tool and URL
    4. If there is another communication tool (e.g., Slack channel, WhatsApp, GroupMe)
    5. List of members and their primary and secondary roles in the project as a numbered list.

Each team member must add their own name as a separate commit.

If there was previous team information, do not delete it! Rename the pre-existing file as

Last updated on 20 Dec 2020
Published on 23 Nov 2019
Edit on GitHub