Intermediate Agile Software Development

Version 0.8.0

Lectures and other resources for teaching and learning about software development

Assgn 1a

Assgn 1a (individual): Class Introductions

Instructor Instructions:

  • This assignment should be posted on the class platform to allow all students to see each other entries. This will help them know their teammates and their working times.
  • Suggested time: 3-5 days

Posting for Students:

Post a quick resume here

In your resume, include:

  • Your photo/selfie
  • Your name (also indicate preferred name)
  • Concentration/year
  • Previous courses (optionally grades)
  • Skills (computer languages, platforms, etc)
  • Interests (keep it relevant)
  • Expertise in software development tools (IDEs, version control, build tools, etc)
  • Past software projects (briefly explain the scope and your role)
  • Work hours and availability (will help to form teams with similar students)

We will use this information for picking teams and project roles.

Last updated on 20 Dec 2020
Published on 23 Nov 2019
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