Assgn 1a
Assgn 1a (individual): Class Introductions
Instructor Instructions:
- This assignment should be posted on the class platform to allow all students to see each other entries. This will help them know their teammates and their working times.
- Suggested time: 3-5 days
Posting for Students:
Post a quick resume here
In your resume, include:
- Your photo/selfie
- Your name (also indicate preferred name)
- Concentration/year
- Previous courses (optionally grades)
- Skills (computer languages, platforms, etc)
- Interests (keep it relevant)
- Expertise in software development tools (IDEs, version control, build tools, etc)
- Past software projects (briefly explain the scope and your role)
- Work hours and availability (will help to form teams with similar students)
We will use this information for picking teams and project roles.